Fall Frenzy X BArbells for boobs
Fall Frenzy
Oct 23 - Nov 13
Oct 23 - Oct 31
For Repetitions
15 Toes to bar
100 Double Unders
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
*10-minute Cap
For Repetitions
15 Toes to bar
100 Double Unders
15 Handstand Push-Ups
*10-minute Cap
For Repetitions
15 Hanging Knee-Raises
100 Single Unders
15 Hand-Release Push-ups
*10-minute Cap
For Repetitions
15 Toes to bar
100 Double Unders
15 Handstand Push-Ups
*10-minute Cap
For Repetitions
15 Toes to bar
100 Double Unders
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
*10-minute Cap
For Repetitions
15 Toes to bar
100 Double Unders
15 Handstand Push-Ups
*10-minute Cap
For Repetitions
15 Hanging Knee-Raises
100 Single Unders
15 Hand-Release Push-ups
*10-minute Cap
For Repetitions
15 Toes to bar
100 Double Unders
15 Handstand Push-Ups
*10-minute Cap
Pull-up Bar
Jump Rope
Wall Space
- PRIOR to the start of the workout, record your weights and measurements so they can be seen clearly. If an athlete does not show their weights, their score is invalid.
- A score deduction will be given to athletes for any improper or missed reps.
- Please ensure your entire body is completely visible in the frame during the workout, and videos must be uncut and unedited to accurately display the performance.
- Athletes must submit a video to Competition Corner using a YouTube or Google Drive link.
This workout is an AMRAP consisting of toes to bar, double unders and strict handstand pushups. Athletes will begin each round with 15 toes to bar, once complete athletes will move directly into 100 double unders and then finish each round with 15 strict handstand pushups. Athletes will repeat this sequence until they reach the time cap of 10 minutes.
The tiebreak will be the time it takes to complete the 1st round
Athletes who perform the greatest number of repetitions throughout the 10 minute workout will rank the highest. If two or more athletes complete the same number of reps, the tiebreak will go to the athlete who completed their 1st complete round the quickest.
- This is the standard double-under in which the rope passes completely under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.
- This is the standard single-under in which the rope passes completely under the feet once for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.
- In the toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. At the start of each rep, the arms must be fully extended with the feet off the ground, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and the rest of the body. Overhand, underhand or split-grip are all permitted.
- Both feet must come into contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. Athletes may wrap tape around the pull-up bar OR wear hand protection (gymnastics-style grips, gloves, etc.), but they may not tape the bar AND wear hand protection.
- In the hanging knee-raise, the arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and the rest of the body. Overhand, underhand or split-grip are all permitted. At the top of the repetition, the athlete must raise the knees above the height of the hips.
- Athletes may wrap tape around the pull-up bar OR wear hand protection (gymnastics-style grips, gloves, etc.), but they may not tape the bar AND wear hand protection.
- The strict handstand pushup will follow the same standards as the kipping handstand pushup, HOWEVER, Kipping is not allowed. Any repetition that is assisted by the hips or legs will NOT count. Only the heels may touch the wall during the repetition.
- BEFORE STARTING - Athletes must measure and tape out a 36 x 24 inch rectangle box against the wall where they will perform their handstand push-ups.
- Every repetition of the handstand push-up begins and ends at the top of a handstand, with arms fully extended, heels in contact with the wall, the body in a vertical locked-out press position, and palms in the required rectangle. Fingers may extend past the tape.
- At the bottom, the athlete's head must make contact with the ground surface. The athlete may perform these strict or kipping. If the head and hands are on different surfaces, the surfaces must be level.
- The rep begins with the athlete bringing their chest to the ground, and releasing both hands from the floor simultaneously.
- Finally, the athlete will return their hands to the floor and press the body off the ground until they arrive with elbows locked out in a straight plank position.
Oct 31 - Nov 6
For Time
40 Dumbbell Snatches (50 lbs)
30 Wall Balls (30 lbs)
20 Bar Muscle Ups
30 Wall Balls (30 lbs)
40 Dumbbell Snatches (50 lbs)
*12-minute Cap
For Time
40 Dumbbell Snatches (50 lbs)
30 Wall Balls (20 lbs)
20 Burpee Chest to bar pull-ups
30 Wall Balls (20 lbs)
40 Dumbbell Snatches (50 lbs)
*12-minute Cap
For Time
40 Dumbbell Snatches (35 lbs)
30 Wall Balls (14 lbs)
20 Burpee pull-ups
30 Wall Balls (14 lbs)
40 Dumbbell Snatches (35 lbs)
*12-minute Cap
For Time
40 Dumbbell Snatches (50 lbs)
30 Wall Balls (20 lbs)
20 Burpee Chest to bar pull-ups
30 Wall Balls (20 lbs)
40 Dumbbell Snatches (50 lbs)
*12-minute Cap
For Time
40 Dumbbell Snatches (35 lbs)
30 Wall Balls (20 lbs)
20 Bar Muscle Ups
30 Wall Balls (20 lbs)
40 Dumbbell Snatches (35 lbs)
*12-minute Cap
For Time
40 Dumbbell Snatches (35 lbs)
30 Wall Balls (14 lbs)
20 Burpee Chest to bar pull-ups
30 Wall Balls (14 lbs)
40 Dumbbell Snatches (35 lbs)
*12-minute Cap
For Time
40 Dumbbell Snatches (20 lbs)
30 Wall Balls (10 lbs)
20 Burpee pull-ups
30 Wall Balls (10 lbs)
40 Dumbbell Snatches (20 lbs)
*12-minute Cap
For Time
40 Dumbbell Snatches (35 lbs)
30 Wall Balls (14 lbs)
20 Burpee Chest to bar pull-ups
30 Wall Balls (14 lbs)
40 Dumbbell Snatches (35 lbs)
*12-minute Cap
Pull-up Bar
Wall Ball
Wall Space
- PRIOR to the start of the workout, record your weights and measurements so they can be seen clearly. If an athlete does not show their weights, their score is invalid.
- A score deduction will be given to athletes for any improper or missed reps.
- Please ensure your entire body is completely visible in the frame during the workout, and videos must be uncut and unedited to accurately display the performance.
- Athletes must submit a video to Competition Corner using a YouTube or Google Drive link.
This workout is a classic chipper made up of dumbbell snatches, wall balls and bar muscle ups. Athletes will begin the workout with 40 dumbbell snatches, followed by 30 wall balls, 20 bar muscle ups, 30 wall balls and finish with 40 dumbbell snatches.
Athletes who perform event 2 in the shortest amount of time throughout the 12 minute workout will rank the highest.
If two or more athletes complete the same number of reps, the tiebreak will go to the athlete who completed their 40 dumbbell snatches the quickest.
- The dumbbell snatch starts with the dumbbell on the ground and finishes with the dumbbell directly overhead.
- At the bottom of the movement, BOTH heads of the dumbbell must touch the ground. The dumbbell must be lifted overhead in one motion. Touch-and-go is permitted but bouncing is not. Athletes must alternate arms after each rep, and the non-lifting hand and arm may not be in contact with the body.
- The medicine ball must be in the support position in front of the body at the start of each rep. Athletes must squat until the hip crease is below the knee. Squat cleaning is allowed as long as the ball starts on the ground. The rep is credited when the center of the ball hits the target at or above the specified height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, the ball must settle on the ground before the next rep; it cannot be caught off the bounce.
- All male athletes will throw the Wallball to a 10 foot target and all female athletes will throw to a 9 foot target.
- The athlete must begin with a hang below the bar, feet off the ground. The heels may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip. At the top, the elbows must be fully extended while the athlete is in the support position above the bar, with the shoulders either in line or in front of the bar. Only the hands, and no other part of the arm may touch the pull-up bar to assist the athlete in completing the rep. Removing the hands and resting while on top of the bar is NOT allowed.
- Strict, Kipping, or Butterfly Pull-ups are allowed as long as the standards are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom, with the feet off the ground. Overhand, underhand and mix grip are all permitted. The rep is credited when the chest clearly comes in contact with the ground and then the bar below the collar bone. The pull-up bar should be 10 inches above the athletes reach.
- Strict, Kipping, or Butterfly Pull-ups are allowed as long as the standards are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom, with the feet off the ground. Overhand, underhand and mix grip are all permitted. The rep is credited when the athletes chest/thighs make contact with the ground and then the chin can be seen clearly above the height of the bar. The pull-up bar should be 10 inches above the athletes reach.
Nov 6 - Nov 13
For Time
- 0 to 4 minutes -
25’ Handstand Walk
15 Squat Cleans (135 lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 4 to 8 minutes -
25’ Handstand Walk
12 Squat Cleans (155 lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 8 to 12 minutes -
25’ Handstand Walk
9 Squat Cleans (185 lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 12 to 16 minutes -
25’ Handstand Walk
6 Squat Cleans (225 lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 16 to 20 minutes-
25’ Handstand Walk
3 Squat Cleans (275 Lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*20-minute Cap
For Time
- 0 to 4 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
15 Squat Cleans (115 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 4 to 8 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
12 Squat Cleans (135 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 8 to 12 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
9 Squat Cleans (155 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 12 to 16 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
6 Squat Cleans (185 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 16 to 20 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
3 Squat Cleans (225 Lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
*20-minute Cap
For Time
- 0 to 4 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
15 Squat Cleans (95 lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
- 4 to 8 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
12 Squat Cleans (115 lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
- 8 to 12 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
9 Squat Cleans (135 lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
- 12 to 16 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
6 Squat Cleans (155 lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
- 16 to 20 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
3 Squat Cleans (185 Lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
*20-minute Cap
For Time
- 0 to 4 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
15 Squat Cleans (115 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 4 to 8 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
12 Squat Cleans (135 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 8 to 12 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
9 Squat Cleans (155 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 12 to 16 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
6 Squat Cleans (185 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 16 to 20 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
3 Squat Cleans (225 Lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
*20-minute Cap
For Time
- 0 to 4 minutes -
25’ Handstand Walk
15 Squat Cleans (95 lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 4 to 8 minutes -
25’ Handstand Walk
12 Squat Cleans (105 lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 8 to 12 minutes -
25’ Handstand Walk
9 Squat Cleans (125 lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 12 to 16 minutes -
25’ Handstand Walk
6 Squat Cleans (145 lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 16 to 20 minutes -
25’ Handstand Walk
3 Squat Cleans (175 Lbs)
25’ Handstand Walk
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*20-minute Cap
For Time
- 0 to 4 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
15 Squat Cleans (65 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 4 to 8 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
12 Squat Cleans (95 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
-8 to 12 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
9 Squat Cleans (105 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 12 to 16 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
6 Squat Cleans (125 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 16 to 20 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
3 Squat Cleans (145 Lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
*20-minute Cap
For Time
- 0 to 4 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
15 Squat Cleans (55 lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
- 4 to 8 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
12 Squat Cleans (65 lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
- 8 to 12 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
9 Squat Cleans (95 lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
- 12 to 16 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
6 Squat Cleans (105 lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
- 16 to 20 minutes -
3 Half Wall Walks
3 Squat Cleans (125 Lbs)
3 Half Wall Walks
20 jumping Pull Ups
*20-minute Cap
For Time
- 0 to 4 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
15 Squat Cleans (65 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 4 to 8 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
12 Squat Cleans (95 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 8 to 12 minutes -
3 Wall Walks
9 Squat Cleans (105 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 12 to 16 minutes-
3 Wall Walks
6 Squat Cleans (125 lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
- 16 to 20 minutes-
3 Wall Walks
3 Squat Cleans (145 Lbs)
3 Wall Walks
20 Pull Ups
*20-minute Cap
Pull-up Bar
Your Required Weights
25' Space
- PRIOR to the start of the workout, record your weights and measurements so they can be seen clearly. If an athlete does not show their weights, their score is invalid.
- A score deduction will be given to athletes for any improper or missed reps.
- Please ensure your entire body is completely visible in the frame during the workout, and videos must be uncut and unedited to accurately display the performance.
- Athletes must submit a video to Competition Corner using a YouTube or Google Drive link.
This workout is for time - and is made up of 5 rounds with a 4 minute timecap each round. The first round consists of a 25' handstand walk, 15 squat cleans, another 25' handstand walk and 20 chest to bar pullups. If athletes complete the first round within the 4 minute time cap, they will move directly into the second round. If athletes do not complete the round within the timecap, they will end the workout at the 4 minute time cap. Each of the 5 subsequent rounds consists of the same pattern, however, the squat clean repetitions will decrease and the weight will increase each round. The total timecap for event 3 is 20 minutes.
Athletes who complete the entirety of the workout in the shortest amount of time will rank the highest. If two or more athletes are timed out of the workout at the same time, the tiebreak will go to the athlete who completed the highest number of repetitions.
- BEFORE STARTING, the handstand walk area must be marked in 5-ft. segments. The lane will have five consecutive segments, allowing a 25-ft. walk in one direction and a 25-ft. walk back. Do NOT walk more than 25 feet in one direction without turning around.
- Kick up with both hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) BEHIND the mark of the segment being attempted. Stepping over the line or landing with the hands on or over the line is a “no rep.” Coming down from the hands at any time requires a restart from behind the last line successfully crossed. A rep is credited when both hands, including palms and fingers, cross the line before the feet touch the ground. Each 5-foot section will count as 1 rep.
- Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with their chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. At the start and finish of each rep, both hands & feet must touch the first tape line (fingers touching is OK).
- At the top of the movement, both hands must be touching the 10-inch tape mark before the athlete can descend. Any part of the hand may touch the tape line. On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are touching the first line. The rep is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position, with both hands touching the first line and their chest, thighs, and feet touching the ground. Any part of the hand may make contact with the tape line.
- With the athlete lying down, chest and thighs touching the ground, legs fully extended, and feet together and touching the wall, mark a single tape line at the top of the athlete’s shoulder. The edge of the tape that is CLOSEST to the wall must be in line with the shoulder.
- At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must be in front of the tape line. No part of the hand may be touching the line. Both hands must remain in front of the tape until both feet are on the wall and no longer touching the ground. The athlete will walk up the wall until both hands are on the other side of the 2-inch tape line. The fingers may NOT be touching the tape line. On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are in front of the tape line - No part of the hand may be touching the line.
- The barbell begins on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing or dropping and catching the barbell on the rebound. Once dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete begins the next repetition.
- The athlete must pass through a full squat with hips below the knees. Receiving the barbell in the bottom of the squat is not required; a power clean or split clean followed by a front squat will be permitted, but a deadlift followed by a hang clean is not allowed.
- The rep is credited when the athlete’s hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar is resting on the shoulders with the elbows in front of the bar.
- *Athletes can receive assistance loading the barbell OR use multiple barbells.
- Strict, Kipping, or Butterfly Pull-ups are allowed as long as the standards are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom, with the feet off the ground. Overhand, underhand and mix grip are all permitted. The rep is credited when the chest clearly comes in contact with the bar below the collar bone.
- Strict, Kipping, or Butterfly Pull-ups are allowed as long as the standards are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom, with the feet off the ground. Overhand, underhand and mix grip are all permitted. The rep is credited when the chin can be seen clearly above the height of the bar.
- For Jumping Pull-ups, the bar should be set up so it is at least 6 inches above the top of the athlete's head when the athlete is standing tall. At the bottom, the arms must be fully extended. Overhand, underhand or mixed grip are all permitted. At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.